The Healthier We Are, the More We're Able To Do the Things We Want in Life

Living Well With a Disability: Coordinator Leslie Schmille

We are no longer funded to offer this program. However, the resources on these pages may still be valuable to Kansans with disabilities and service providers.

If you want to sign up for facilitator trainings or order student workbooks, contact the University of Montana Rural Institute:

Tracy Boehm, MPH

Program Coordinator

The University of Montana Rural Institute

52 Corbin Hall

Missoula, MT 59812-7056


Thanks to everyone who has made this program such a valuable experience for Kansans with disabilities!

This health promotion workshop for people with disabilities and chronic health conditions helps people build the skills for a healthy lifestyle. Goal setting and problem solving are presented as the framework for developing new habits.

In Kansas, the course was offered through community-based organizations. Staff members at Kansas centers for independent living and other community groups were trained to be facilitators. See a few of these facilitators at Living Well Community.

Evidence-Based Results

The Living Well program is very effective. In the research phase of the program, more than 1,000 individuals in 32 states completed the workshop, with these results:

  • A 37% decrease in limitation due to secondary conditions
  • A significant decrease in depression levels.
  • A 10% decline in costs for medical service