
We will use a variety of methods to disseminate our research findings to diverse target audiences, with the purpose of contributing to changes in policies, programs and interventions, as well as to individual outcomes.

In developing our dissemination activities and products, we collaborate with numerous stakeholder groups, including centers for independent living and other community-based organizations, service providers, advocates, policymakers, and individuals with disabilities.

These are some of the dissemination activities we plan to conduct for the Center's external audiences. 

  • Stakeholder dissemination events. We will hold meetings with policymakers, disability advocates, service providers and people with disabilities to learn about their information needs and the types of dissemination activities and products that will be most useful to them. These meetings may take place in person, via teleconference and through web-based platforms.

    Bridging Meeting - This stakeholder dissemination meeting was held Apr. 16-17, 2013.

    - Bridging Meeting Resources - These materials were shared with meeting participants. 

  • Interactive webinars. We will conduct webinars about each research intervention designed for individuals with disabilities, service providers and other professionals in the disability field.

  • Presentations at scientific and consumer conferences. Over the five years of the grant, our research partners will make presentations at events such as the annual American Public Health Association or the American Psychological Association meetings that target disability researchers and allow for interaction between participants. Consumer-oriented presentations will be made at the annual conferences of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) and the Association of Programs in Rural Independent Living (APRIL).

  • Fact sheets, technical reports, e-mail bulletins and newsletters. As the projects gather data, we will disseminate information in print and electronic formats. Please check back to subscribe to our newsletters and guides, which will contain short, actionable messages and news items for individuals with disabilities and service providers.

  • Internet and online resources. These include our Center website, reciprocal links on partners' websites, and our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. 

  • New and emerging media: Depending on the nature of a project and its end-users, we may develop applications for Smartphones and other tools that connect people with information that is useful to them.

  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals.  Scholarly articles will be published about the secondary data analysis projects, the interventions, and the systematic scoping reviews.

  • Intensive Manuscript Composition Technique. A number of researchers have identified a critical disconnect or gap between research discoveries and changes in practice or development of new programs. Since journal articles are a primary mechanism for advancing knowledge in a field, we will use the Intensive Manuscript Composition Technique (IMCT) as one approach to help the RTC/CL disseminate research results as expeditiously as possible and overcome barriers to timely publication. This approach was developed by RTC/CL partner Dr. Charles Drum, who will facilitate several initial IMCT sessions for the Center while training other staff to serve in that role. 

  • Academic courses and guest lectures. Many of the researchers in our Center also hold academic teaching positions in their respective institutions and are invited speakers at other universities as well. They will seek opportunities to include RTC/CL findings in their work with graduate and undergraduate students and as invited lecturers.


Internal dissemination is also a key component of the Center. Our research partners and Scientific and Consumer Advisory Panel will meet regularly to plan, implement and monitor dissemination of our research findings.