R-5: Measuring CIL Services
Top 10 Most Important CIL Services as Ranked by CIL Staff
420 staff members at 61 CILs across the country identified these as the most important services for enhancing community participation among consumers.
1. Provides services in a way that empowers consumers to make their own choices.
2. Advises consumers about benefits they are eligible for (e.g., Medicaid, Social Security, housing),
3. Provides services in a way that encourages consumers to advocate for their own rights.
4. Works for the rights of people with all types of disabilities/chronic health concerns (e.g., sensory, mental health).
5. Uses partnerships with other agencies in the community to help consumers meet IL needs (e.g., transportation providers, housing authority).
6. Provides services to help integrate consumers into the community once emancipated from nursing homes (e.g., peer support, IL skills training).
7. Helps people with disabilities find the types and amounts of personal assistance service they need.
8. Is sensitive to the readiness and confidence level of new consumers when planning services.
9. Increases the community’s sensitivity concerning attitudes about people with disabilities.
10. Encourages community partners to provide services that are consistent with IL philosophy (e.g., consumer choice and empowerment).